Introducing Magic UI Pro - 50+ blocks and templates to build beautiful landing pages in minutes.

Border Beam

Border Beam

An animated beam of light which travels along the border of its container.

Border Beam


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Just place the border beam component inside a div with relative positioning, width, and height. You will notice the beam automatically moves around the perimeter of it's container.

import { BorderBeam } from "@/components/magicui/border-beam.tsx";
export default async function App() {
  return (
    <div className="relative h-[200px] w-[200px] rounded-xl">
      <BorderBeam />


Border Beam

classNamestring-Custom class to apply to the component
sizenumber300Size of the beam
durationnumber15Duration of the animation
anchornumber90Anchor point of the beam
borderWidthnumber1.5Width of the beam
colorFromstring#ffaa40Start color of the beam
colorTostring#9c40ffEnd color of the beam
delaynumber0Delay before the animation starts


  • Credit to @linear where I first saw this effect.
  • Credit to @jh3yy for sharing his implementation of this effect.